Monday, May 12, 2008

Elspeth's Birthday

Today is Elspeth's birthday.  (She's 25, for the record and according to the birthdate I decided on.  Though in my head she's still a nebulous kind of 24-and-a-half.  It's weird to think of the events in OHN in a strict sense of real-time, in which case the climactic events have already happened, but the book's conclusion is still the better part of a year away...)
Her birthday horoscope (courtesy 
For those of us born on: May 12
Happy Birthday! The months ahead are likely to start with a short trip or journey, and it might be that a blast from the past is the spur. July sees miscommunication leading to a slight muddle, while August onwards highlights new interests and romance! September is a revitalizing month, and great in terms of cash. A work related development should lead to a boost in income, while October will be the month where you should concentrate on yourself: join the gym, or resolve to embark on a healthier lifestyle, because December is the month of excess! January highlights home improvements; there big projects will require one hundred percent commitment! March is the ideal month to relax and count your blessings!
I normally put NO stock in horoscopes, but ahaha I just loved this one.  Those who've seen all or most of OHN will understand why.  *g*
A belated Happy Mother's Day to all, and those wishes PLUS belated Birthday wishes to Claire, who made an exciting announcement on her blog!

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