Saturday, September 1, 2007


Not quite.  Work was very busy today - of course it was, I had a deadline to meet - and I stayed up much later than I meant to last night.  In consequence, I still had 2500 words to get this evening and I was tired and slow going into the deal.  Managed 1200 total for the day, a little under half what I needed.

I gave it my all (you will note the timestamp of this post; I have not been to bed) but ultimately didn't quite reach my goal.  I got darned close, though.  1600 isn't such a huge deficit to make up, and over 18K in a month is nothing to sneeze at.  I had hopes this past hour of at least reaching 79K, but now my brain is shutting down and I'm calling "uncle."

The good news is, I finished chapter 7 (finally!) and moved into chapter 8, after getting a decent preliminary feel for my English lieutenant.  This was a tipping point, and I'll be working linearly again for a bit unless/until something else pops up.

So now I'm going to doze for an hour or so before getting up to head out to Indianapolis.  DH's aunt and uncle are having a Labor Day cookout up there, and the whole family is going.

Monday I'm sleeping in.  Then I have to go into my office to finish a few things for Tuesday (even though I didn't leave work until 7:30 pm tonight *sigh*) and while I'm there I'm going to spend several uninterrupted hours writing.

I remain firm in my commitment to finish the first draft by the end of September.  Ideally by the 20th, for Sven's sake, but if I go over, I go over.  I have a feeling I may go beyond 100,000 words on the first round.  In which case, that's more than 20K in 20 days (or a month).  We'll see if I can pull it off.

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