Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Rough Cut Covers

A very nice lady I met through my BabyCenter.com "birth club" (March 2006 Babies) who happens to be a dab hand with PhotoShop made these cover designs for me.  They're not what a publisher would put out, by any means (though I've seen worse on some e-pubbed books) but I think they have a good feel for what I'm going for in a cover.  I.e. no shirtless kilted man, no bodice-ripping, no pictures of people who look nothing like my characters.  And they are WAY better than I could ever come up with.  Mad props to her for doing them.

If I ever self-pub (if I ever get this darned thing finished, more on that in a later post) I might use one of these or something very like it.

What do you guys think?

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