Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Character Portrait: Final (Colors and Background)

Yup!  This is it - the final version!
Jason sent me a colored version last week and I asked for two changes - he's been so patient with me, hehe - but then he was offline due to computer issues until recently.  He made the changes I asked for and I got the "final-final" version yesterday, to my great excitement!
What?  You want to see them?  *g*  Oh, okay, well since you asked nicely...
(Image copyright 2008 Jason Badower.)
He was also good enough to send me versions I can set as my desktop (which I did!) and a smaller version to post online (which you see here).
Keep in mind that these images are scaled way down from the full size.  Remember the teaser pics I posted of their eyes?  That's full size.  My image viewer software shows the dimensions as 32x40 cm, but Jason says it will print very nicely on A2 sized paper (twice that).  Guess who's making a stop at her local print shop on the way home?  *g*
Final thoughts: this process is addicting.  Now I can see my characters whenever I want!  It's so awesome, in fact, that I cannot imagine writing another book without saving my pennies for a portrait of those characters.  In fact, once I finish saving for the "Next Level" workshop it's on to a portrait of Nate and Mairi, possibly - nae, probably - before I even finish that MS.
At some point I hope Jason will blog his side of this process, and have no fears I'll link y'all over there when it goes up.
So...a few of you have been good enough to comment throughout but I'd love to hear from everyone: what do you think?

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