Monday, April 21, 2008


Since I've been stringing you guys along, I guess it's only fair if I give you a little more information on what I've been working on behind-the-scenes.
*It involves Alec and Elspeth.
*It is a gift to myself for having completed a 100K+ word novel, and motivation to continue with rewrites and attempts at publication.
*I am not the only person working on this project.  In fact, I'm not even the one doing most of the work.
*I cannot imagine writing another book without doing this kind of project.  Before or after it is finished, I can't decide.
*After the "big reveal" (hopefully tomorrow) I plan a series of posts walking through the entire process step-by-step.
*If the book is ever published, I can use this project for promotion.
I really hope you guys think this is as cool as I do.  As long as I'm happy with it (and I am so far!) I guess that's the most important thing.  But I'll feel kind silly for all this secrecy if everyone's just like "oh, that's it?"  *g*

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